Which MHA boy is your soulmate?

You know how anime boys are good looking and we want them. Well why not just see who seems better for you?im sorry there are not a lot of boys. I just put some poeple.

I hope you Hve a fun time here. ...........Somebody once told me it’s your power todoroki... cuz ur hot and ur cold...your yes and your no.. your I. And you out,

Created by: Hian
  1. What is your fav food
  2. How do you think. When you fight
  3. How do you greet someone
  4. How do you dress at a restaurant?
  5. Who do you want to get
  6. Do you hate trump
  7. Should I make a girl version of this?
  8. Are you having fun
  9. What place
  10. Are you a shoto simp

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