Which anime character?

There are a few outcomesYuno gasaiAyano aishiHatsune mikuTeto kasaneOsana najimi Filler: hfurhf$7fhjdhdjshjfh#chushfjshjchjdhcjdhjcnsjhfjsncjhfjdfudfhdfhfhchhdjfudhsjhfjehfjehf

Needs two paragraphs...... why lol? Says it need 150 characters so this is filler eufhuehudhushdjdhjshdjshudh#hdjshjdhjshxjddhjshdjhsjdhhdjshdjhsjdhjsdhjshd

Created by: SakuraLilli
  1. Who is your favourite
  2. Are you a yandere or tsunedere?
  3. Do you like to sing and/or dance?
  4. Are you good at singing
  5. How do people judge you?
  6. Are you male or female?
  7. Are you enjoying this quiz?
  8. And finally which one do you want to get the most?
  9. Says i have to have ten questions -_- soooo, this is just fillerHi (boost the answer for osana) and hi boosts for teto, find which one lol
  10. Last filler..... do you like yandere sim?

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