What youtuber do you like most.......

......i have been waiting to make this it is my 1st time and i hope you enjoy :)................ comment if you like it so much and yah i will read your comments

comment if you do not understand or just wanna chat :) or like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmhhhhhhhh say somthing nice to help me have a good day :) i will help

Created by: Leah of i am bored
(your link here more info)
  1. what color does your youtuers hair
  2. What coloer is your youtubers eyes
  3. What is your youtubers faveoret game
  4. Who is your youtubers boyfriends?girlfriends name?????????
  5. do you have a kid
  6. What is your talent
  7. what is her/hims fav color?????????????
  8. if you meet you youtuber what will you do
  9. how old is your youtuber
  10. what gender is your youtuber

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Quiz topic: What youtuber do I like most.......

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