What waroirs clan are you

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Ever wondered what warriors clan you are? Ever wondered what your warriors abilities would be? Well here's a quiz to find out!!!!!

This is a warrior cat quiz. Find out your clan. You will get a result out of six possibilities! Good luck!

Created by: Copper dragon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you love the forest?
  2. Do love swimming?
  3. Do you love tigerstar?
  4. Are you fast?
  5. Are you a good swimmer?
  6. Lionclan or tigerclan?
  7. Whould you like to be a ancestor (dream visitor)?
  8. Are you a hunter?
  9. Are you a good fighter?
  10. Do you love dogs?

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Quiz topic: What waroirs clan am I You can find more quizzes like this one in our Warriors Quiz category.