What Kind of Fat are you? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Obese

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting fatter.


  • I got 93%! I want to be bigger though! I love my belly!

  • Flat belly,well I am underweight due to my eating disorder but I'm in recovery and still have a strong fear of gaining fat it's not the scale I'm afraid of it's the waistline size instead. I know I've always been usually on the slender side in my life time it's just the stupid eating disordered mindset stuck on me. Thanks anyway for the compliment though. I think everyone should like who they are no matter what though.

  • muscular abs well, sounds like me!

    ravenclaw 247
  • chubby belly

    ravenclaw 247
  • of Fat are you?
    Your Result: Massive Belly 88%

    You're obese, and your huge gut makes sure you know that. Walking up stairs could feel like a marathon and countless rolls fold out when you sit down. Losing weight would be a very good idea because of health reasons.

  • Massive Belly

    You're obese, and your huge gut makes sure you know that. Walking up stairs could feel like a marathon and countless rolls fold out when you sit down. Losing weight would be a very good idea because of health reasons.

    87% Fat Belly
    75% Double Belly
    71% Jelly Belly
    46% Muffin Belly
    34% Chubby Belly
    8% Pot Belly
    0% Muscular Abs
    0% Flat Belly
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    Thanks for taking this quiz, it was my first one so don't be afraid to give some feedback. If you want to don't forget to comment your result too! Thanks again!

    "What Kind of Fat are you?" was created by Beehive

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  • Massive! 220 lbs, 40 inches around, and I'm only 5'4! I want to get so much fatter though! I want my belly to spread all over my lap when I sit. I want to break my 300 pound limit scale! I want to be 50 plus inches around my belly. I want to ruin all of my clothes with my massive belly! FAT IS BEST

  • Im gonna guess Im the only muscly dude then. 62, 210 pounds and sick of the fat acceptance crap in these comments

    The Mighty E
    • Not that you will ever see this but this is not fat acceptance, it's fat admiration and they do it because it's a fetish. This whole quiz was actually made for sexual gratification for these types of people because it confirms what they want to hear about themselves; they are fat but they love it. I would know because I am one of them ;)

  • Massive! 220 lbs, 40 inches around, and I'm only 5'4! I want to get so much fatter though! I want my belly to spread all over my lap when I sit. I want to break my 300 pound limit scale! I want to be 50 plus inches around my belly. I want to ruin all of my clothes with my massive belly! FAT IS BEST

    Fatty Jazzi
  • how do you get fat I'm average but want to get squishy

    • Eat a lot of snacks in between meals abd drink a lot of a high calorie drink each day. Also, 3500 calories = one pound, so eat more than that and limit movement. Good luck, hopefully you get squishy like me! I weigh 160 and have a 36 inch waist :)

  • Yay I got the obvious,a massive belly and don’t worry I’m still very healthy.

  • Double. Nice.

  • I got Jelly :D.


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