what creepypasta character are you?

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today you will be seeing this simple quiz that TOBE437YO made for you aka thats me i hope you folks like it and tell your friends that you are the best and about the quiz

also be awesome and be brave peeps love yaand be cool be smart be brave oh yea you already are :) yea love ya babs yea see you on next quiz byee suckers

Created by: TOBE437YO
  1. what emotion are you mostly
  2. whats your fav creepypasta
  3. what would you most likely kill with
  4. whats your fav color
  5. what age are you
  6. whats yo fav character from spongebob
  7. you cool or awesome
  8. you ready?
  9. you sure
  10. here it is

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Quiz topic: What creepypasta character am I?

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