
You should be really proud of what you got. By the way, I am so sorry if I have offended you. :(/:). Hope you have a great day or night and enjoy your life!!

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Created by: Becca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like mead?
  2. Ya znayu cak razgavarivett paruski ee vikin belee thosza paruski. Thee znayish vateta?
  3. Ya znayu cak razgavarivett paruski ee vikin belee thosza paruski. Thee znayish vateta?
  4. Are you a Republican?
  5. If a bully hits you, what do you do?
  6. Have you ever watched How to train your dragon!
  7. Anime?
  8. Are you of Greek ancestry?
  9. Do you like 300?
  10. Did you enjoy this test/quiz?

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