vibe checkkkkkkk

greetings!! hello and welcome to the best vibe check quiz to determine your current vibe efficiently, correctly, and accurately!! is your vibe okay? GET READY FOR YOUR VIBE CHECK

it is now.... V I B E C H E C K T I M E. so, go choose some answers and after you have completed the VIBE CHECK form your current vibe will be determined.

Created by: lily
  1. time rn?
  2. wyd tmr
  3. do you feel the need to drown yourself in sand
  4. how to eat bread?
  5. listening to music currently?
  6. yee_?
  7. socks on?
  8. .
  9. do you are have the stoopid
  10. what goes on pizza?
  11. pick a keyboard spam

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