The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate.

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  • Your Result: Morbidly Obese 88%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

  • Morbidly Obese 88%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    76% Obese

    I love sisey
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  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way too underweight!
    I'm so happy and proud

    • This s--- is bulls--- it said Im 96% obese when Im literally skin and bone and I dont really like it

    • im 5'6, 15, and im 121 pounds i had an eating disorder in the 8th grade

    • Hi . Is my weight healthy for my height ? My height is between 4ft8 and 5ft . My weight is 6 stone . 81 pounds .

    • You might wanna watch out pal. Youre BMI is borderline underweight, depending on whether youre 48 or 5 (youve said both)

      At 48 6 stone your BMI is 18.8 (just okay)
      At 5 6 stone your BMI is 16.7 (underweight)

      You cant always trust BMI because it doesnt take into account muscle mass but its good enough to be used by doctors

      The Mighty E
  • Aw for everyone here who commented, being overweight or whatever isn't bad, it just may be harder to get around, but don't let yourself get down!

    I got perfect, but i'm 5'3, 13, and weigh 112 pounds. I actually started eating less and my mom got worried and kinda makes me eat now...but she says i'm fine, and so do my friends. My problem is mirrors make me look to fat for my head, and photos, idk if anyone else has that problem, but anyways, I still haven't learned yet, but be happy with the way you are because each and everyone of you is perfect! 😊

    • I got perfect

    • I'm the same age as you, plus a few inches shorter and I got 85 percent (really starting to get bigger) and I'm like 300 pounds

    • Oof.

    • That sucks guys!

      I got close to obese too I dont think Im that fat

    • I got overweight. Im 4'10", 13, and 115 pounds. I had issues with anorexia in the past. I considered starving myself, i didnt, then this quiz made me want to. Im not fat, i just have a big appetite

  • It says Im 65% underweight and 65% perfect? Or something I dont think so though. My friend says I have a flat stomach but its only because I wear high waisted jeans. I am 52 and weigh between 90-100 lbs depending on the day. I should be skinny but I can grab a f full handful of stomach fat? Idk why I feel so big, I want to lose abt 10lbs but idk if thats healthy? Idk why but when I look in the mirror I look huge even though I measured and I have a 22in waist and my thighs are each 17in at the thickest part. I think thats skinny but does anyone know why I feel/look so fat all the time?

    • You may have anorexia. You are already underweight and you should seek professional help

      The Mighty E
    • ur rly skinny! there is no way that u can grab a handful of fat with a 22 in waist. it is prob just skin. u probably have body dysmorphia which makes u think and see urself as fat even tho u r rly skinny. ik it can be hard bc I'm 5'4 and 90 lbs but always think I'm fat too. The best thing to do is tell someone who can help, and just remember that ur not even close to fat

  • I honestly don’t know why I took this test it just made me feel bad abt myself lol. I got close to overweight which is pretty acturate I think. I’m a girl and I’m 5’6” and like 175 pounds which is pretty heavy. It just sucks though cause three years ago I was barely 115 pounds :( I’ve let myself get fat. The only reason the doctors haven’t called me unhealthy is probably cause I’m still in softball. And I hate myself sometimes cause I know I need to lose weight but I just keep eating. I promised my mom I’d finally go on a diet and I’ve put on 5 pounds since then. Maybe if I didn’t live next to a McDonald’s I wouldn’t be so super-sized... (pun intended)

    • Wow I'm 4'5" 325 lbs im morbidly obese most of the fat is in my stomach and guess what I'm gonna keep gaining and so should you your sooo light it's unbelievable

    • Dude, I'm bony, skinny and underweight, and, believe me, it sucks. Everyone's always telling you to eat more and gain weight.

      Justin Miller
    • I was borderline obese when I was about 9-12. Its a living hell. I couldnt run, I was tired after a few minutes of exercise. I barely fit into clothes that now (at 6ft2 and 210 pounds of all muscle, playing rugby does wonders!) feel quite loose

      The Mighty E
    • Im 52 and Im 160 pounds because Im tall, but also have a LOT of chub. Read my recent comment!! <3

    • [5 ft 2]

  • You are overweight. Try eating healthier and less. Try also losing between 5-20 pounds and you'll be just fine! Overall your pretty good, but seriously consider loosing a few extra pounds. Have a nice day! :)

    Actually, im average size. I just eat a lot. like, a LOT. And im also kind of chubby looking due to genetics...Not too overweight though. But i just stopped myself from starving and now i want to again.

  • The Ultimate How fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Perfect! 91%

    Your weight is perfect, you eat right and in the right amount. Congratulations! Keep up the good work and maybe even help others loose some weight too! Have a great day! :)

    86% You are underweight.
    77% Close to overweight.
    74% You are way too underweight!
    48% Overweight
    33% Really starting to get big
    24% Obese
    24% Morbidly Obese

  • Your Result: Perfect! 92%

    Your weight is perfect, you eat right and in the right amount. Congratulations! Keep up the good work and maybe even help others lose some weight too! Have a great day! :)

    70% You are underweight.
    65% You are way too underweight!
    42% Close to overweight.
    34% Overweight
    24% Really starting to get big
    14% Obese
    11% Morbidly Obese

    Bro im 13 year old girl and im 5'3 and weigh 110 pounds, yeah im sooo close to overweight

    • Your skinny trust me. Im 12, 51, and like 120 pounds.

  • Your Result: Obese

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting fatter.

    49% Chunky/Overweight
    13% Chubby/Curvy
    0% Normal
    0% Skinny

    Sws 221
  • it said im perfect but "close to overweight" was 3% away.. Im 5'5' and 135 pounds so ik im not fat but im not really skinny skinny either yk? im in cross country so people say i can eat whatever i want and i kinda do but maybe its catching up with me? ig those in xc who are eating as much as someone not exercising is the reason theyre so skinny but i wish i was skinny skinny

    • Do you think my weight is good for my height . I weight 6 stone and my height is between 4ft8 and 5ft.

    • You do need to gain maybe half a stone

      The Mighty E
    • Im 5 ft 2 but Im like 160 pounds and it said I was perfect. But, you should NOT believe that f---ing stupid old stereotype where it says being pretty means your skinny and anorexic because that is plain old s---T, and even if you ARE curvy, that doesnt mean you are now not pretty. Check out my recent comment

  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: You are way too underweight! 92%

    You are extremely underweight. You need to go to a doctor and try gaining weight. Just as bad as being morbidly obese, it is being underweight. Try over eating, then you will gain weight. When you'v reached your goal eat in proportions the doctor recommended. :)

    noot that much 64kg for 1m80

  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Close to overweight 79%

    Take it easy with the food. You are not overweight, but getting close. Try to cut back. Maybe your about 2-4 pounds over, not much but can soon turn into 40-100 pounds overweight. Have a nice day! :)

    51% Perfect!
    46% Overweight
    33% Really starting to get big
    31% You are underweight.
    28% You are way too underweight!
    11% Obese
    11% Morbidly Obese

    (13) I'm 5'5 and weigh anywhere between 127-131 lbs. (it fluctuates?) my bmi is 22-23 ish... I guess it's accurate? I have an ed and have had one in the past (117-120 lbs. at 11)... (my ed: binge eating then starving myself, I eat only dinner and the occasional lunch)

    • this quiz said im overweight. is that true??
      i am 4'10 and 84 pounds

  • Your Result: Perfect! 90%

    Your weight is perfect, you eat right and in the right amount. Congratulations! Keep up the good work and maybe even help others lose some weight too! Have a great day! :)

    64% You are underweight.
    64% You are way too underweight!
    31% Close to overweight.
    7% Overweight
    6% Really starting to get big
    3% Obese
    0% Morbidly Obese

    Im Glad Im Skinny But I Don't Think It's Nice To Say That We Are Perfect. We Are Just Skinny -.- And Who Said Fat People Are Not Awesome? My Friend Is Fat And He Is So Funny Dude!

    Horror Lives 2
  • Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate
    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way too underweight!
    I'm so happy and proud

    Sws 2213
  • I only did the quiz so I could comment once when I was a kid I went to the doctors and my mum wasnt allowed to come in so a doctor in the room did stuff like measure my stomach(weight appointment) and weigh me and stuff like that and at the end he gave me a piece of paper that only I and the doctor could see and would be thrown away afterwards and it read

    Your Fat Test Results (child fat test)
    Official weight: overweight
    Child assessment weight:fatty

    How I would describe your weight and body fat: you are a fatty a bit of a chubby fat person you carry a lot of that weight in your stomach so either very chubby or fatty so be careful and lose weight

  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 98%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way too underweight!
    proud tr s

  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Perfect! 89%

    Your weight is perfect, you eat right and in the right amount. Congratulations! Keep up the good work and maybe even help others lose some weight too! Have a great day! :)

    74% Close to overweight.
    62% You are underweight.
    61% You are way too underweight!
    28% Overweight
    18% Really starting to get big
    7% Obese
    7% Morbidly Obese
    Pin This Quiz

    Hanna banana111
  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Perfect! 98%

    Your weight is perfect, you eat right and in the right amount. Congratulations! Keep up the good work and maybe even help others lose some weight too! Have a great day! :)

    56% Close to overweight.
    10% You are way too underweight!
    66% You are underweight.
    0% Overweight
    0% Really starting to get big
    0% Obese
    11% Morbidly Obese

    Olivia 34
  • You are extremely underweight. You need to go to a doctor and try gaining weight. Just as bad as being morbidly obese, it is being underweight. Try over eating, then you will gain weight. When you'v reached your goal eat in porportions the doctor recommended. :)

    Lol, Im a 52 girl at 155 pounds and they still say Im overweight. I get the same results for every quiz I take.

    • Ha I'm same height at 265

    • But 5ft2 155 IS overweight

      The Mighty E
    • Thats not big I wish I was 155 pounds Im 53 and 176 pounds and before you judge me I lost 10 pounds

  • 89%

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting

  • 89%

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting

  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 88%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    77% Obese
    42% Really starting to get big
    32% Overweight
    14% Perfect!
    13% You are underweight.
    11% You are way too underweight!
    7% Close to overweight.

    The first time
  • esult: Obese

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting fatter

  • You Quiz - Very Accurate
    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way too underweight

    Sws 2215t
  • Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way too underweight!
    I'm so happy and proud

  • Used to be skinny but lately I gained like 15 lbs by eating WAY more and playing more video games instead of going outside and excercising. I wouldn’t even do track and I’ve started to get so tired super quickly, and my cousin can fit her whole hand in my belly. I got close to overweight, if I keep it up who knows I might be obese in 2 or 3 years.

    • Hey they did put a height question if your bmi says your fine your fine. Im obese though Im trying its hard.


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