Just need to level up

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Sussy among us balls haha funny roblox jiggly puff Anyway uhm hru lol did you know you could sell a mewtwo PokΓ©mon Oreo cookie on eBay for like 1k and uh yeah

And uh so hru idk what to say really anyway uhm ever watched PokΓ©mon and this is your only shot at childhood try your best and if your a adult well uh

Created by: e y e l e s s
  1. Okay so uhm hru
  2. I’m uhm yeah
  3. 😳
  4. Person 1:Uh dude I don’t wanna burst your bubble but their are entities outside..
  5. Soooo
  6. So uh hru
  7. Idk what to ask
  8. 2 more questions
  9. Annnd…
  10. DONE!

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