I wonder what warrior cat you are?

This quiz will tell you what warrior cat you are you coud be the dreded tiger claw or the heroic fire hart but most impotently have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are ten possible warrior cats you can get with this quiz. Find out which one you are.

Created by: sophia
  1. Ok so what clan do you belong to?
  2. your warrior saromony is in 1 minit and your on a patrol!! what do you do?!
  3. Your best friend wants you to go hunting but your aprentis wants to train what do you do?
  4. you see a shadow clan warrior on your tarotory !!!! what do you do
  5. do you consiter your self evil or good?
  6. guy or gall?
  7. what is your favret seson?
  8. a cat from a diffrent clan wants to mate with you what do you do?
  9. what color is your pelt?
  10. last but not least do you like this quiz?

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