How well do you know the Werewolf family?

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Yes, also erm..Why are you here? Why are we alive? Why why? Why not here? I think that I should go and kill myself, but my Queen said that I shouldn't do that..

So, I think I shouldn't be doing this, but I guess I have to. Btw if you just found this, it's a roleplay me and my friends made, so yeah XDDDDDDDDDDD

Created by: Yes, go die
  1. Who has two names?
  2. Who has uniqe hair?
  3. Who's Ariels senpai?
  4. Bye, bye..
  5. Who was the first OC after Alex?
  6. Bad Ariel >:c
  7. How many exes does Jade have?
  8. Who is the oldest in the family?
  9. Mama?
  10. Who is the oldest of Jade's children?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Werewolf family?

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