How well do you know the Percy Jackson series???

This is a quiz that will test your Percy Jackson skills. It's kinda short, but big deal. DO NOT BASE YOUR ANSWERS ON THE MOVIE! ONLY THE BOOKS! SCREW THE MOVIES!

Heh. Sorry. I raged there lol. The movies are really bad though. The books are always better. That's a fact, not an opinion. If you don't believe me...ugh.

Created by: RedLover
  1. What is the first book in the series called?
  3. Who's the author?
  4. What is Annabeth's nickname?
  5. Who is Percy's best friend?
  6. Who is the king of the gods? (Greek)
  7. Who's the queen of the gods? (Greek)
  8. Which is better?
  9. Who is Luke loyal to?
  10. Percy's dad?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Percy Jackson series???

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