How well do you know the Baddest Female in kpop

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Anyone who loves kpop should know who the baddest female should be. take this test to find out! You are awesome and she loves you . Please dont cheat!

Hope you enjoy!! Haters back of. Don't you dare write any damn hate comments or you'll regret it. Imagine if I hated on your favourite group. She will hate your guts

Created by: Selena
  1. Her former group.
  2. Her real name
  3. Birth date?
  4. How old she is
  5. When did she debut in her former group
  6. Is she korean
  7. Her stage name
  8. Eongdeongi ppangppangppangNamjadeureun Time Time TimeNae ipsul nyamnyamnyamEodilgadeun dangdangdangDeungjangeun chachachaTtwijattwija bangbangbangDiseuko pangpangpang
  9. She got the sauce
  10. Did you enjoy this?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Baddest Female in kpop

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