How well do you know Nnn?

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This quiz gonna tell you how well you know the members of Nnn, and how much knowledge you have about Nnn. If you are new to Nnn, no worries you can still take this quiz. But I will afterwards recommend you to catch up with some Nnn for your health

Other than that, Nnn is proud of you and I am hella proud of you for taking this quiz to test your knowledge. Only that is a smart desicion. Remember again to support Nnn cause they bring so much happiness and luck however they deleted all their funny videooss:(((

Created by: Nnnmakesmewannadance
  1. How many members are there?
  2. Who is the oldest among the members?
  3. Where are they from? (livingplace)
  4. Which ethnicities below fit with Nnn
  5. What are Nnn known best for?
  6. Who is the youngest among the members?
  7. Which from below is Amal's birthplace?
  8. Based on the stupid test (deleted video now) who is the smartest?
  9. Who is your favourite?
  10. Do you support Nnn?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Nnn?

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