How Well do you Know Minecraft?

Minecraft Quiz make Sure You search up Facts so It can Be Easyier so yay bacicly it hope you do good and there is Going to be Weird thing so prepare soon plz.

Minecraft Quiz make Sure You search up Facts so It can Be Easyier so yay bacicly it hope you do good bye also all waysthink of Hypixel and servers for minecraft

Created by: Fsh
  1. What is the 1.13 update
  2. What is The First "Official" Thing you Do in Minecraft
  3. What is The Second Highest Minecraft Server Ever
  4. What is Best Minecraft Food item
  5. What is the best Hypixel arcade game
  6. When Was minecraft Made
  7. What is The 1.9 Update
  8. How Do you Make a Golden Apple
  9. How do You make a car in Minecraft
  10. Do you make every Pickaxe the same way?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Minecraft?

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