How well do you know DenisDaily???

This is a complete quiz about "DenisDaily" Come try and see what you score will be for Knowing Denis!!! Go buy there merch! and Subscribe too! They need it there amazing!

This quiz also includes something about to do with "The Pals"! GO SUBSCRIBE TO THEM! THERE AMAZING! THEY NEED IT! THEY WORK HARD! NOW GO NOW! WOO HOO! ~Plug~ (your welcome Pals)

Created by: Krissa
  1. Does Denis have a Sibling?
  2. How old is Denis?
  3. How many Subscribers does Denis have? (as of 2018)
  4. Is Denis part of "The Pals"?
  5. What is Denis's Real Name?
  6. Does Denis Like Roblox, Minecraft or Fortnite the most?
  7. Who is the most popular from "The Pals" but on there seperate channels?
  8. Is Denis Cute?
  10. Is Denis the Best youtuber ever?
  11. What degrees is my AC on right now???

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Quiz topic: How well do I know DenisDaily???

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