How Old Do You Act?

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So to find out how old you act you Have to answer 12 simple question and soon you will know what you act like and it might be good and there are three age groups 17, 26, 30.

Good luck and Have a nice time taking the quiz I hope you enjoy it and it's ages if you did not like it plz tell me in the comments or rate it thank you.

Created by: mack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like jewels?
  2. Are you crazy
  3. Do you like boys?
  4. So what is your favorite color.
  5. What's better
  6. What is the first letter of your name?
  7. These are random Pick any of them and see what you get.
  8. Random
  9. Hi
  10. What is spelled wrong?

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Quiz topic: How Old do I Act?