How much do you know classic royale high?

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Hello! this quiz is about how much do you know about the classic royale high. In this quiz you will be tested on how much you know about the og royale and if you are an og or just playing it a lot.

Now. i will let you get to the quiz now, i will see you at the end and give you your results. good luck to you my friend! (this is so the paragraph is 150 characters long lol)

Created by: Charline
  1. How many classes are in classic royale high? (including the ball)
  2. which class does not reward you exp?
  3. how many diamonds are rewarded to the king and queen?
  4. how many dorms are there?
  5. What is callmehbob's real life husband's name?
  6. when does lunch start?
  7. how many lockers are there?
  8. how do you play the piano in piano class?
  9. when do you start getting ready for the ball?
  10. Was old royale high more fun?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know classic royale high?

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