How much are you like Ranboo from DSMP?

How much are you like Ranboo from the Dream SMP?serftyuhjikmnb vcxsertyuiolm,nbvcdrtyuioklmn vcdrtyuikmn bvcxdrtyuikmnbvcxdrtyujn cftyujnbvfcgghhvhguv

If it says to pick this it's correct pick it if you want the correct answer.fcghjkljhgfdsaxdcfvghjkjhgfdsazxcvbnmxsdrftgyhujknbhvcdrcfhygvfjcdrfchchfb

Created by: Oliver
  1. Do you have facial dysmorphia or dislike your face?
  2. Do you like or want to wear things to cover your face since you don't like it?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What is your favorite show/movie?
  5. Do you like the game Minecraft?
  6. Is Ranboo a good content creator?
  7. How tall are you
  8. Do you like to watch Ranboo?
  9. Do you like to watch Technoblade?
  10. Do you like to watch Philza?

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Quiz topic: How much am I like Ranboo from DSMP?

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