How Mexican are you?

There are many people in our coutry , which is great but there are people who are not liking how there is so many mexicans coming in but they dont understand its all for jobs.!!!!!! Mexicans arent bad people.

Plese take this quiz and let me see if you really know mexicans before you start talking about them.. Thanks for taking the time to take this quiz. Lets see what you know?????????

Created by: adela
  1. Do you speak or understand spanish what so ever?
  2. Do you have mexican friends?
  3. If someone says "Quieres chiquele" whats your response?
  4. Translate this whole sentence: "hola,carmen como te va?'
  5. What holiday do mexicans celebrate in may?
  6. Today what r mexicans having problems with?
  7. What is in the middle of the mexican flag?
  8. would u help a mexican jump over the u.s border?
  9. Whats a fake mexican restaurant?
  10. What do u call a mexican that was born in the u.s?

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Quiz topic: How Mexican am I?