how furry are you

this quiz will tell you how furry you are with 14 questions. that's it now time for some filer text hmjyutgbnmjkuiytrfgbnm,kiuytrfgnmjk,liuytgfbhrghhg


Created by: Tanner9078
  1. what is the best movie on this list
  2. do you have a pet
  3. do you like to draw
  4. do you know what a fursona is
  5. do you have a fursona
  6. do you have a fursuit
  7. do you think your a furry
  8. do you like animals
  9. do you wish your an animal
  10. do you play as an animal in an online roleplaying game
  11. what if you meet a talking animal
  12. do you have a mental disorder
  13. do people bully you for being a furry
  14. do you use furry slang

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