Does your mother love you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Does your mother love you?
i got 57 but i think my mom love me she is so good to me when i do a bad thing and got into priciple office she crying
I mean, I got a 42% but I still dont think my mom loves me
She is mean to me all the time, and never listens to what Im telling her unless its gossip.She yells at me and is always unfair to me and fair to my siblings.Im the oldest girl, and whenever my mom needs me she calls me nice names, and whenever she dosent need me she screams at me.But when I was younger it was worse, she likes the oldest child more and the younger ones.She always gives me a dirty look whenever I do something that isnt even wrong.She talks rudely to me all the time, and I wish I can show my emotions and feelings when she dose this to me.I cry in my pillow every night because of her and always wishes I had a different mom...
ACE1019 -
My result was 42% and that my mom would probably get mad over something stupid and kick me out at16. I'm 29 years old now and I have two kids but she pays more attention to my sister and her kid. Her excuse is bc I'm married, my kids have two sets of grandparents and my sister's kid doesn't. My infant who barely turned three months old was taken to the hospital with a virus, and when they used a catheter on her they gave her ecoli and my mom said that s*** happens not anything else. We don't get along at all we are like oil and water and every time we are in the same vicinity as each other we fight. This quiz may have had stupid questions but the results I got were dead on ..... Sad but I still have my mom in law
Please try to talk to her or just throw a vase at her head.
Tell her that she acts toxic and like a b---- and she should stop.
I love my mom so much but she definitely hates me. She didnt even get sad when she walked in on me cutting myself, even though she made me promise to never do it again. I wish I could find some lethal poison or bleach or something because its the only way of death that doesnt sound that bad. We just had a huge fight before I took this quiz and I started crying in my room but she started mimicking me so I literally had to gag myself
To Girl13, I think your mom is loving you, but doesn't show it. But if she hurts you physically, you might want to consider going to the police.
This is way too dramatic. It's people like you that are the reason the power rangers have to call out their damn colors. She loves you but doesn't show it, just talk to her.
I really hate my mum right now, my bratty little sister chewed my iPad charger to a pulp and I smacked her, she's 7, so she's not that dumb, I would've forgiven her if she was 2 but no, then my mum swears at me and beats me with the TV remote, now who's gonna pay for my charger? The Easter Bunny? She grounds me and says walk to school tomorrow, and I know she's not joking, and my schools like 6 miles away from my house, so I don't know how I'm going to do that. I feel like drinking bleach it will be quick, and painful but, who cares I'll jump out the window, see ya cruel world! By!
U and ur mum u are her junior
Tshego3 -
If you know how you are cats and have been working in summer I will be online when I get back to you tomorrow at the end of the next week and I will always be able to see you soon I will be online when I get a chance to play with the phone is for our plan is to play with the phone is for the switch to the phone is for the switch to the phone is for the switch to the phone is for the switch to the phone
My mother keeps on reminding me everyday that I depend on her for each and every thing, I know I am because I am still young but she doesn't feel for me anymore. I am the only child but she hits me every day.According to my grandma , She uses old schooling technique but what I feel is she abuses me both mentally and physically. My father stays far away for his job and my mother wants me to live with him and leave her alone. She wants me to die and always wants to kick me out of her house. The house doesn't seem to be mine anymore, she never hugs me or kisses me like she used to do when I was a toddler , she beats me up till blood starts coming out of my body. She goes on blaming me over and over again and she also blames my father . She always yells at me for no reason, it is very hard to figure out what she wants from me. I started having panic attacks, I lost my appetite and also started having sleep deprivation. I want my father to put me in a hostel but my father thinks it's just common fights between a mother and a daughter. I am unable to explain anyone anything, though my grandma sometimes tries to stop her by saying that she has disciplined me enough and now she should stop , my mother doesn't listen to her. Once she hits me , it pains and I have cuts and bruises. I have been depressed lately and therefore have taken this quiz but I am losing hope from everything. My grades have decreased considerably and for the first time ever I have failed in a subject. I was not a student who got poor grades in fact I used to get quite high grades and was a rank holder but now I am not being able to focus and concentrate. I am fearing my life since I won't be able to achieve my dreams without high grades but I can't get over my mother. She no more loves me and wishes me to get lost from her life.I had fainted yesterday due to a mental breakdown but no one in the house was aware.Since no one was there. I got 25% but I still doubt if she even loves me that much.
I am so sorry, that's not okay!! I think you should tell the police. I can relate a little because my mom literally yells at me everyday and blames everything on me, but my mom doesn't physically abuse me. I can't imagine what you are going through.
You should try reaching out to God. It may be weird for you to do at first if you don't believe in God, but you won't regret starting a relationship with him. God loves you and is always watching out for you. I need to remind myself to put my faith in God sometimes, and when I do, I feel an immense joy inside that can't be explained. I will be praying for you, I am really sorry about what you are going through with your mom and I'm sorry for the effects that it's having on you. I wish you luck :)
Bethanne, god won't do s--- until you do something for yourself. Please go to the police, Amanda. What she's doing to you is completely illegal (child abuse, or if you're over the age of 18 literally just abuse in general, it's illegal either way). There's no reason you should be afraid of calling the police.
i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. i was married to my husband george morgan, i love him so much we have been married for 5 years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation to france he meant a lady called clara, he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend miss florida and told her about my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem before and introduce me to a man called dromoba who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 3days. Miss florida ask me to contact dromoba. I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by three days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After three day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started
crying for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact ogaday on any problem in this world, he is very nice, here is his contact [no emails], He is the best spell caster. call him on +2348034084260
fradi3 -
I got a 42 and my mum acts like she doesn't love me. I think of her as one, a selfish one. I just hate how some mothers act nice in front of others who aren't in their immediate family but are cruel to their imdt (immediate) family. She always burps and screams at me and calls me names. I am the oldest and she treats my brothers like an angel but me...... like a vampire. I love her and sometimes she makes me scared. She's gross and stinky and takes a long time to forgive someone. I try to make her happy cause like I said, I love her. To my bros, she's sorta like a slave but I don't think she's doing this because she's stressed out. She always screams at me and is extremely sneaky. I sometimes cry in the shower or bed because of her. When I come out of the shower, I won't look like I was crying because of the shower water.
She always blames me even when it's not my fault and whenever something bad happens to me she says I deserve it. I hate how she hits me and teasers me. My brothers are worse though. Every day I seriously think of them as the worst brothers in the southern hemisphere. If only they would learn to be grateful........They already get more than me and that's way too far. I feel like I'm an adopted cripple that doesn't belong in this household. I hate upsetting people and don't want to turn out as one of those meanies. I always say that I wish I would die even though I don't and my family don't think about me and my lifestyle. I feel like I'm the only one who cares about others and I seem to spoil my brothers way to much. I don't even think I've received a single nice gift from my brothers. My family always brags and I pray to god to help me with this situation and I feel like I have this weird condition.
I got 82% so my mom does love me but I'm not sure if I'm adopted or not even though she's sometimes mean but she's kinda good but the mean things she's does are:
Expose me
Being cowardly
Not letting me speak
Play favorites with siblings
Loves strangers more than me
And hit meNever support me when someone harassing me 😠ðŸ˜
Including throwing me
The kind things she does :
Lemme relax
Let me buy things I love to have
Never forget my birthday 1/2/11
LETS me play for a bit.
Keeps my secret (sometimes)But I'm too innocent i not even do anything wrong.
I really dont love my mom. She always comes home late and drunk. Beating on me, my baby siblings and my dog. I want to move out soon ina year. I cant take it anymore. She just started being apart of my life after leaving me and my other sister for some gang member as her boyfriend 3 years ago and shes worse than ever. I kinda wish I wasnt born so I wouldnt have to deal with all this but cool quiz.
If shes that abusive you should consider talking to a police
sim is right you need to talk to the police that's not okay if shes coming home and hitting you EVERY day I hope your alive still when you see this
I love my mom and she loves me. She also saves money for us to be able to do fun things together. But sometimes I feel sad because she yells at me and makes me feel so alone. She yells at me at least once a week. When she does this I cry in my room. She thinks I let it go but really, I hold onto it forever. When I say sorry. She says, " yeah
that's right, you should be sorry. She is also making me and my two other sisters finish a whole 2 batches of spaghetti and wont let us eat much else until it's gone. I am crying as I am witting this. She also makes me feel ugly. She rarely takes pictures of me, and after school she is usually busy and doesn't spend much time with us. When she makes me sad I go to my computer and look up thing like "does my mom hate me?", and"Does my mom think I am ugly?". I am glad to get some of this of of my chest because I have no one else to go to.
i'm sorry. this is very similar to my situation as well. we'll both get out of this with time.
i have a similar situation as well :(
My dad died when I was 3 to leave me with a mother drowning the grief with vodka. I love my mother don't get me wrong, but it is a one side relationship. She would abuse me and torment me. I don'y\t want to remember any more. at age 9 I was taken away from her until she got better. 4 years later.. I realise I am but a pet for her like a dog to be discarded. She could've got me back by now. She instead lies and hurts everyone she knows and loves. She is really men and hurtful to anyone. But it is 1:40 am and a holloween party is later today. I must continue my nightly cry.
i took this quiz and i received a 25%. I can completely agree too it. Right now i am currently grieving and this morning she yelled at me for grieving. But then she calls on her lunch break and again is yelling at me. Then calls me on her way home again is Yelling at me. But then shell soften up. But she then leaves again and calls me this time Again to yell at me except this time shes guilt tripping me to the nth degree. This is how its been all my life now im 19 and back home taking 5 online classes. Trying to figure out my life. I feel hopeless. Every time i go to talk to her its you shouldnt be feeling like that or God is in control.
babyc1 -
I took this quiz and got 51%. My situation isnt bad at all: I have a great sister, who is all I family I need, and my mother works hard a lot. Its definitely hard to have a normal relationship with those you love, and tough love is served everywhere. But isnt it better to look on the bright side of things than the negative? Instead of thinking about what you dont have, think about what you do have.
I understand its weird to hear advice from some random person you dont know, but reading the comments on this quiz, i think everyone needs to hear it.
I understand your mom is very hard worker! maybe that's why you have like 51%...honey...i think you maybe have a trauma but that's okay <3 <3 <3 but yes focused on the bright side!!! <3
I just had an issue last night. It was about my grades, it was very depressing to me and I cried. I cried on my father's shoulder everytime that happens and my mom would never comfort me like how my father does. Like i feel like she never comforted me. Then i said i hate myself, then she said, "then die, you should just die, i want to see you die tomorrow drink any poison outside" that is what she would always tell me when i am having a breakdown because of my grades. Last night I got 16/20 i know it is not bigdeal to everyone but for me it is...i feel stupid and all and she just going to say those words to me. I really wish my mom isn't like that. It has always been my dad who always comforts me. They don't put pressure on me, but i feel all of the pressures from myself. I've been a consistent honor student and simple mistakes really makes me crazy. I just wish that my mom would understand the pressure that gives me.
my mom doesnt love me and i KNOW bc shes always there for my brother whilst im in my room sobbing bc no one likes me as a person no matter how hard i try to her im just another mom grounded me and i tried offing myself in front of her because she doesnt care or love me and she didnt do anything but watch me and try to teach me a lesson so i went to my room and started sobbing until i felt nothing . i wish she loved me like i loved her..
I dont know you but your a grate person there is a grate person inside of you if you belive in god know that he loves and he made if you do well in school when your 18 you can move and start alife for yourself I'm here for you to -Alex
I am really mad at my mom right now, I was performing my dance routine in my the living room to show my brother who is 11 and wanted to see it and then we have this glass table and I told her in the beginning when she first put it to remove it cause I am going to dance and do stuff there but nooo then in the middle of my dance routine i shattered the glass top with my foot and now grounded me because i made a MISTAKE like bruh I am human too then me being still a nice daughter trying to clean up the glass and got two cuts but I still kept going but then nooo your grounded like bruh and my mom also loves me 49% from what the quiz can tell.
I dont think she loves me, because she slapped me, hit my head two times, and pushed me when i was having a call with my bff. She was made at me for not trowing away the trash and i was calling my friend without her permission.
God please help me, my face hurts :(
oh my god I'm so sorry i hope your face is better by now I will be praying for you :)
My mom loves me 67%, okay, I think she loves, mostly....
My mom sometimes apologises to me when she knows she hurt me physically or emotionally, and it sometimes make me sad but I just try to hide my feelings and say "okay". She mostly yells at me when she is mad and I started thinking if she still loves me or not, and I know it's my fault, and she sometimes call me STUPID, but she says she doesn't mean it, she said she knows I am not STUPID, but I just act like one. 😔😔😔
My mom suddenly changed she never ignore my negative feeling she always cared about me she never favors my siblings more but now she became a different person I feel like she favors my bigger sister more like she even told me to go to hospital by my self bc I never went without her since I was small Im 17 btw and I feel so weird idk If she start hating me or what I cry all day all night Im just scared that she loves my biggest sister more and forgot about me
Im sorry about that. I hope all goes well for you. My mom is constantly nagging at me and sometimes even tells me that all I do is pretray myself as a slut. Sometimes I really feel like she doenst care abt me anymore and that she wouldnt care if I was gone even tho she says she does. She blames s--- on me that I dont do. My day is ruined everyday by her sometimes unless she needs something shes a complete jerk. I hope evrything gets well for you, stay strong.
That same thing happens to me my suddenly changed after she met her boyfriend and always gave negative comments now
Im not my grandma Im using her phone but Im ten and my mom get me in SOOOOOOOOO much trouble for like when I lets say......HUG MY LITTLE BROTHER WHOS A BRAT AND A TATTLER AND A STUPID LITTLE BIT*H and shed take me to the garage and spank the hell out of me my score was 31% AND MY MOM PROBABLY THINKS THAT SHES THE ONLY HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET I recommend this test
Bruh I have to be honest yours and my grandma/grandparents are the worsttt
I got 20 which IS SO DAM TRUE
People say my mom is really attached to me because she almost lost me to a kidnapper when i was 2 and she has really bad health issues so i sometimes go to the pharmacy and pick up her meds and head to school i'm in the 11th grade now and I still take care of her she's doing great now she's been going out a lot with friends and she does'nt need to worry about me anymore lol
Zane_Hi1 -
Your mama loves you- 72%
Your mama really does love you. It's not too much love where she's crazy mama, but just as much where you can make your own choices and go to jail if you choose to rob a bank. You're a wild child and she respects that
Well at least she doesn't love me like a crazy psycho XD
@Firestar3208 yeah lol.. atleast I know the truth. After talking to my parents about all this bull. She continues to do the same thing but even worse. Why df did she keep me when I was born. I would've been more successful in life without her. I'm basically trash to my family. And I don't got the guts to run away or do some type of bs like that. No matter how much it bugs me.
nas12331 -
I got 45% kind accurate my mom treats me horrible I don't even think she realizes it but she treats me and her other kid completely different she yells at me when ever she's mad even if I didn't do anything she constantly takes her anger out on me I am soon to be 16 and I will be moving out soon but I do love my mother I just think it's time to love her from afar
I dont really believe she loves me, she gives all the attention to her bratty little boyfriend then me lots had change ever since we started living with her boyfriend she wont say I love you anymore and stoped being supportive to me so I do the same to her I be rude even though I dont like acting this way I want her to feel the same way I feel about my mom.
Im sorry to hear that. She calls me a liver and a thief sometimes, and says im rude. she needs to accept that thats just my personality and that if she cant accept that, then shes the one who needs to go to hell
Although I got a 52% my mom yells at me for the littlest things. She neglects me unlike my brothers, she hits me, she pushes my mouth really hard even though I have braces and it is super painful. She always thinks shes right even when I correct her politely she sends me to my room and makes me clean. Im typing this at 2:54am right now because shes making me clean EVERYTHING because I corrected her. She stormed out on us having dinner because I made on small little joke and she freaked out. Im trying to convince my dad to get a divorce, but he loves her yeah right shes a f---ing arsehole.