Do you like him?

hello my name is grace and i was bored when i had to sit out of my pe lesson so i made this for you all so i hope you enjoy and if you want to YOU GET YOUR MAN

IF you do like them then all my luck to you because you deserve to be happy all of you do and if you dont then im sorry and maybe wait a bit but otherwise goodluck

Created by: Gracline
  1. when you see him do you get butterflies?
  2. how often do you see him?
  3. does he have a girlfriend?
  4. how long have you known him?
  5. do you think you like him? this wont change anything
  6. do you think he likes you?
  7. how old are you?
  8. how old is he?
  9. have you met his parents?
  10. are you happy?

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