Can you survive High School?

Hey! are you bored, thanks this. quiz. will. make . you. freak!BYE hope you have a good day!!!!!, hey want to sing a song! oh wait you have to take this quiz

WHY DO I NEED THIS??? i gueess because I have nothing to do and dragons and rainbows and gliter and im bored (bad at spelling) YAY!!! we all like to fish!!

Created by: The Person
  1. A boy pushes you into a locker, it's the end of the day and it's a long weekend. what do you do?
  2. Your friends take you to your crush (Jake if your a girl or Gay, Kelly is your a boy or Leasbian) and won't let you go unless you tell him
  3. your in a classroom and you really have to pee. the teacher will not let you go, what do you do?
  4. You are at a beach party, bullys are chasing you. your friends say they will hold them off while you get changed. while you are changing, (you have littarly nothing on) they pull back the changing tent, WITH YOU NAKED INSIDE
  5. A rumor starts that you wear dipers. what do you do?
  6. Your crush finds out you like him/her, but then teases you about it
  7. your in the bathroom (sitting on the toilet) and the door falls off what do you do? (BTW a lot of people are here)
  8. Your streching in GYM and your pants rip, right down the middle, everyone starts laughing, what do you do?
  9. I NEED MORE QUESTONS (whats your fav weather)
  10. do you like ice-cream

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Quiz topic: Can I survive High School?

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