Are you worthy of joining our cult?

Here you will be tested if you will be accepted into our cult mmmmm ice cream sandwhich sponges good or no idk u decide, you dont really but yes do this quiz its very serius and i can spell

Here you will be tested if you will be accepted into our cult yes yes cult is good we like trees we are very sane yes sir sanity wooooooo poggers piggelin champoluc

Created by: Jiji_pink
  1. What is your opinion on björk? (birch)
  2. What do you think about Tallgran and ekbord?
  3. What is your personal opinion of the hit kids tv show bamse?
  4. JAck the pumkin from animal crossing what you think
  5. Ablins
  6. :>
  7. U an og or?
  8. thats what the mattres
  9. ALice ux
  10. Tallgran

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Quiz topic: Am I worthy of joining our cult?

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