Are you Sophie's Bestie or enemy?

This quiz was made by Sophie. Sophie wanted to know if you are her true Bestie or ENEMY. Tell the score in google chat The Last Girls. C ya later! *wink*

TO publish this quiz I'm going to type random stuff. dhfijaweidsvnow;aoiehfdfabego;fjjfdzj'lfa ejd'ogjfm j'fojpfjivtn'gfjja'gr jiajf'pfjvhifn'vlij 'iejr'Sfg.

Created by: Sophie
  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you call Sophie?
  3. Do you say "Sophie!" a million times?
  4. Do you like running or playing tag?
  5. Are you Sophie's friend?
  6. Do you say "Sophie! Stop it!"?
  7. How old are you?
  8. Do you hate Shreyan?
  9. Do you hate Thejas?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I Sophie's Bestie or enemy?

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