Are you Naruto fan?

All right! Just skip this if you dont care what im writing so so so this test will tell you if you really are Naruto fan yes or no thats a question hah hah haa!

Good luck! You yeah you! Sorry LOL XD HAH HAH HAA i'm just weird sorry... But... Who cares about if i'm weird just, just, just begin alredy you yeah you!!!

Created by: Poki
  1. What is seven tails name?
  2. Who killed kakashi once?
  3. What can ten tails transform
  4. Who is zero tails?
  5. How did rin die
  6. Who killed deidara
  7. Why did zabuza cry after naruto told him something
  8. Who does naruto like in academy
  9. Who was on mission to get sasuke back to village
  10. Why did things go trough tobi in the war

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Quiz topic: Am I Naruto fan?

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