Are you my type? (boys or girls!) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you my type? (boys or girls!).
Are you my type? (boys or girls!)
Your Result: Totally my type! 88%You're totally my type! That's awesome! As promised here's somethings about me. I'm a 16yr old bisexual female, brown wavy hair, blue eyes, slim build, wear glasses, sophmore, 5'5. I play lacrosse, i love reading and writing, and i'm a slight science nerd :)
88% You're mostly my type
63% You'rs not really my type :/
22% not my type at all
I don't think we'd date
A) you have red
B) I'm your sister
AndC) I'm a puppet you're a bear it would never work
I'm sorry
You're totally my type! That's awesome! As promised here's somethings about me. I'm a 16yr old bisexual female, brown wavy hair, blue eyes, slim build, wear glasses, sophmore, 5'5. I play lacrosse, i love reading and writing, and i'm a slight science nerd :)
Im totally your type
82% probably not so accurate.
d_h1 -
I got mostly your type
Sphinx1 -
84% Mostly
82% Totally
30% Not reallyMatmail1 -
How did I get a tie between Totally and Not Really?? xP meh
Its says im your type...
I uh i put i was a straight girl... -
Hey I thought I was the only bi girl ever XF
it says totally your type but im a strait girl. :P
Cool :3
ahh 82% yay! :-)
im totaly your tupe! ha take that shwartcheneger!
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