are you a sane human or messed up like me?

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some of us are really depressed, some of us are psycho, some of us are just bored, but for ever reason u came here,ur gonna take a test to see if ur sane. yey

also this is probably not accurate so do not worry and do not take the answers to seriously, this is just based on my messed up thoughts :3 sodifjsodfjds

Created by: depressedchild
  1. how often do you think about killing people
  2. do you see/hear things?
  3. do you like horror movies
  4. are you disturbed by gore
  5. are you depressed
  6. do you feel like you are alive
  7. are you bored and taking a random test
  8. have you tried other tests like this?
  9. when was the last time you cried from sadness or anger
  10. what are you gonna do after this

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Quiz topic: Am I a sane human or messed up like me?

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