Are You a Demigod? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a Demigod?
I am maybe a great granddaughter of Hephaestus. I have fire powers. I am great at the forge. I have great strength and agility. Fire acts weird around me. Can I go on?
Wait so my mom and your great-grandfather are married....Sorry about all the cheating and stuff....
It said no but the info in it was not me at all I WILL KILL ALL IN MY WAY IF I HAVE TO!!!!!!! AND I LOVR TOO FACE (SOME) DANGER!!!!!!
Icis821 -
my old acc puppygirl13 got logged out now i cant use it anymore bc i forgot my password so heres my new acc
Also I have ADHD
hi demigodsz is my new previous name was
reply quickly, i hate having to wait...another athena thing...i hate making desicions
demigods1 -
im a daughter of athena and i would love to be a hunter of artimis!
I gotHeck Ya! Lol DAUGHTERS OF APOLLO/!! WOO! lol sorry I was bored ;) oh I wrote a book and I would LOVE
i got heck yeah and it looked to me like i got about 2% um not really!
Kazing1 -
I am pretty sure i am a son of dionysus, but if im not, then im probably a son of apollo
please help me...i am so lost any one anybody...please... i see things in my dreams...HELP!!!!!! !!!
demigods1 -
I got heck yeah!! even though I don't think I would like to be a hero. :/
Alegna1 -
If your dad is Zeus, I dont like u. My dad is Poseidon thats why. Ty
how do i get to camp
Dogwater1 -
i need any and all help i can get please
omg omg omg omg idk who is my dad 1.igot posiden yayayayayay 2.igot zeus 3. i got artemis twise ok i think i am the daghter of zeus but I mostly like posiden :p
i am thew daughter of Poseidon what now!!! he broke the rule again... but here i am!!!!!:):D
kayla5831 -
cool i got heck yeah.
cool i got heck yeah
Why? becos I heard god voice talking to me
I am off to long island.Camp Half-Blood here i came. im prty shure im Posidans Dauter
my name is raine and I am SURE I am the daughter of poseidon
vogelienjohnny then you know the rest of the gmail thing
JohnnyV1 -
I am griffin Smallwood son of phobos god of fear