Are too short? Dissapointment Death

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Have you ever wondered what your future score on the SATs would be if you could just change that one thing about yourself that always gets you down? Have you ever wondered what life is like without burdens, without trauma, without pain and indifference? Here's the chance to change all that, here's the chance to see. Here's your sign of light breaking through the dark and cloudy skies. Take this quiz. Please.

It's the bomb diggity. Charachterhacharethcahraethchartathccharachterachrerhachtaerhacharactherchartahccahrahtahchehrethahchaerhthaherahchahreththahcher

Created by: Chungus.
  1. You're being converted to Satan. React you?
  2. How do you use a dishwasher, friend?
  3. Do you like me?
  4. What animal do you most affiliate with?
  5. This is the fifth question. The take home. Which will you choose?
  6. We needed more of these to complete this quiz. What do you think of totalitarianism?
  7. Favor song?
  8. Three.
  9. MMMMMMMMM Gay? No.
  10. You are the only juan for me.

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