Arbeidslivsdagen UiT - COWI Quiz

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In COWI we value new employees who dare to challenge the way we work. Let's see if you are ready to start working in COWI right away, or if you should learn more about your future employer!

This quiz is made up of 10 questions, and if you get most of them right, you are in for a treat! May the the force be with you, and the odds be ever in your favor.

Created by: Eirik Skogstad
  1. When was COWI founded?
  2. How do you pronounce "COWI" in Norway?
  3. What is COWI Try?
  4. What are we especially good at?
  5. Which of these projects are COWI working on?
  6. What is the name of the "plus city" that COWI is working on?
  7. What is BIM?
  8. How big is COWI internationally?
  9. Can you start working in COWI as a newly graduate?
  10. Our vision is ..

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