zombie armagedon:were are you?

if it all happened tomorrow what would you do, would you know what to do, well this test gives you some insight on what to do hopefully you are a little more prepared once you done with this quiz

are you ready do you want to see if you have the brain and the brawn to make it in a zombie infested world well try this quiz and see how well you do

Created by: tyler griffin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your sitting on ur couch watching ur typical show wen a news flash comes up:the dead have risen and are eating the flesh of living beings:wt do u do
  2. you leave your home how many people do you bring with you
  3. yo notice your car has no gas *luckily* you no how to hot wire wat do you use
  4. do you have gun experience?
  5. wich gun do u use consider reload time and ammo
  6. which melee weapon do you use consider speed and reliability you really dont want it to get it stuck in a zombie
  7. were do you fortify your self
  8. what do you do to keep the zombies out
  9. OH NO wile fortifying your base zombies have made it through an entrance wat do u do
  10. your runnin low on supplies on the other hand you do have quite some bit of ammo what do you do
  11. one of your best friends have become infected wat do you do

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Quiz topic: Zombie armagedon:were am I?