Your boyfriend Draco Malfoy

So,Hi every body im back!Heres Part 2 of part1!Funeh.Hope you get it in the begining!Be wise and have fun!Oh,can someone leave in the comments how to import a picture?I make the quizes through my Nintendo Dsi.Thanks.My cat wont put the chainsaw away.I regret leting her watch Friday the 13th.

So are you willing to stand up to Draco?Well be wise and find out in this quiz.Will you be his girl freind in the real part 2?Okay seriosly,take the freakin quiz!Go on!A sea lionn jumped at my face today at the zoo.Im tall,so i could reach to see over the glass.And it just jumped at my face.True story.Rate and comment!

Created by: Shiny Noel of gaggle
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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You jumped up and felt a hand on your shoulder. Dad:Did you day dream? Noel(you):Yeah.People I dont know showed up.It was wierd. Dad:Well Ill miss you. There was half an hour till the train leaves and you wanted to hurry to get to Hogwarts. Noel:Well,bye daddy. Three minutes later you were in a compartment and seconds after you sat down, the compartment door opened with a bang so loud,yo swore it broke. ???:Hope they dont have halfbloods or mudbloods while Im here. A guy with steely gray eyes and blond hair geled back came in with a girl with a bob at his heels.Two big,tough looking guy walked in as if they were bodyguards. ?Girl?:Oh look Draco! A little girl! You looked over your book you were reading and had an "exuse me?" face on. You say:
  2. The Girl looked shoked at your come back. Girl:Draco,make her stop. Draco:Shes right Pansy,us first years are eleven. Pansy was shocked at her boyfreinds comment. Suddenly Pansy grabbed the book you were reading. Pansy:Whats this?The Chron-ickles-of-Narn-ia-the-lion-the-witch-and-the- ward-robe.Dumb name. Noel:Give it back Pansy! Pansy:So what!Your mom can get another one! Sudenly your eyes exploded with tears.Your mom...... Pansy:Whats the matter cry baby! Noel:My mom died!You really dont care do you! Pansy exploded with laughter. Draco:Pansy.Give.It.To.Her.Now.
  3. You looked at Draco.He looked at you.He sat next to you and Pansy sat on the other side of Draco.Pansy leaned on Draco.They began to snog.After 5 seconds Dracos eyes widend and he pulled away. Draco:Pansy!What did I tell you!No tonges! Pansy:But...Never mind You say:
  4. Pansy and Goyle leave to go sit with a girl in your year.You stay alone with Draco. Draco:So,were are you from? Noel:America. Draco:I guess your the only american wizard going to hogwarts. Noel:hmm.... Draco:I,um....l-ike y..ou Noel:Come again? Draco:I like you. *************** Draco:Noel!Slow down! You were feed up with Draco all year.You were almost to the Gryffindore common room.It was finally the last day. Noel:Cant you see Im feed up with you!Im gonna promise myself that Ill never talk to you!
  5. Did you like this quiz?
  6. Are you a fan of Tom Felton/Draco Malfoy?
  7. Have you seen HP:The Half blood Prince?
  8. Do you feel sorry for Draco in that film?:(
  9. Did you cry when Harry did Sectosempra?I did.;(
  10. Bye!Hope ya liked it!

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Quiz topic: My boyfriend Draco Malfoy