would you survive the hunger games?

ere are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Yes, it is about me or my circle of friends Please think of something original to say in Paragraph 2! Just briefly describe your quiz.

Please think of something original to say in Paragraph 2! Just briefly describe your quiz. appropriate remark. hi pie oh my you lie hi hi i like rusty spoons

Created by: lolo
  1. Some one you know just got called for the reaping what do you do?
  2. Your at the cornucopia you see a bow your best chance what do you do but remember your not a great runner
  3. OH NO the career group found you what do you do?
  4. It is freezing out what do you do?
  5. You find some food on the ground what do you do?
  6. You see another tribute at the end of the forest saying "lets be allies"that's when you
  7. Your in a situation kill or be killed what do you do?
  8. The cannon blowing is
  9. You kill what looks to be a rabbit but your not sure and you decide to
  10. A fire is going off to the left of you only about 10 feet away you
  11. You kill a tribute he has a back pack you end up

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