Would You Survive If You Ran Away? (For Kids Only)

Please do not use this as judgement for whether you should run away or not. It's just meant as fun. And by the way, I know it says, 'Kids Only," but some of the questions are kind of...not-for-kids, so it's ACTUALLY for teens. Or kids. Just not adults.

I don't have anything more to say, so...dcdhgfdsighsefgdsfvdsfjdhvsdfvbsdvdhfvdvdbvdfsjvfvhdfbvdfjvdsfvcdsjcjhdsfvbdfcdfnvdjvhdbvjdshvbdfshvjdfvdjfhvbfdvsdf.

Created by: Zoella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're walking along the outside of the Freeway. You hear footsteps, and a shifty-looking homeless man is walking behind you. What do you do?
  2. You used some of the money you have to buy a camouflage outfit. (You are, after all, going to spend most of your time in a forest.) You have twenty dollars left over. What else do you buy?
  3. You wake up in a closet, with the lights off, and you're tied up. How do you get out?
  4. And on that matter, how did you END UP in that closet?
  5. Ever heard of method acting? Which character in The Wizard of Oz is most like you?
  6. If you could have one of the "superpower packages" listed below, which one would it be?
  7. In what situation would you murder someone?
  8. Which would you rather have for a career?
  9. The Police caught you! What did you do?
  10. What natural environment would you rather be in?

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