Would I Like You? Guys Only

Well they want me to say something but all i can say is title says all. So, do you get along with me or not? Would we hate each other, love each other, or just be friends? Find out now.

Well they want me to say something but all i can say is title says all. So, do you get along with me or not? Would we hate each other, love each other, or just be friends? Find out now...Okay, NOW!!

Created by: Gylfie
  1. What kind of hair do you have?
  2. What kind of stuff do you like?
  3. Do you like rock?
  4. Do you like the guitar?
  5. Would you date a girl who's not completely girly?
  6. Do you like Justin Bieber?
  7. Do you like lions or wolves?
  8. Do you like mainstream music?
  9. Are you into sports?
  10. Out of these, what matters to you the most?
  11. Who do you like more, the Greek god of the seas, Poseidon, the Egyptian god of judgment, Anubis, or the Norse god of pranks, Loki?

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