will you marry letters A-E for a man?

An A-E man is a man with the first letter of the first name that is the letters A-E. such as Alex, Bernard, Chris, David, or Evan. those are examples of names- there are other ones too.

Are you a match for an A-E man? do you have the qualities for an A-E man? do you need an A-E man? should you believe in marrying an A-E man? take this quiz to find out!

Created by: llaanneeeeeeeeE
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what instument do you like out of these?
  2. i like the animals that:
  3. the first letter of my first name is:
  4. the first letter of my last name is:
  5. your chin is shaped:
  6. how many people that you aren't related to have told you that you were hot?
  7. what do you like?
  8. if you are in a crappy hotel you:
  9. you invite boys to your parties.
  10. you invite how many people to your birthday parties?
  11. for b-day parties, you:

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Quiz topic: Will I marry letters A-E for a man?