which sonic person are you?

Find out what sonic person you are in this quiz! You can be shadow, tails, or sonic! Wich sonic person are YOU? Take this quiz and find out wich one!!!

Are you sonic? Are you tails? Are you shadow? Go ahead, take the quiz! Comment and rate please! I hope you enjoy the quiz I made! Comment wich sonic person you are! :D?

Created by: Maria
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is yout fave colour?
  2. how smart are you?
  3. do you like chilli dogs?
  4. what is your weakness?
  5. wut iz yo fav animal?
  6. are you enjoying this quiz.
  7. what colour is yo hairmost like?
  8. are you annoying sometimes?
  9. wich is yo fav sonic person?
  10. do you laugh alot?
  11. this is the last question.

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Quiz topic: Which sonic person am I?