Which One Piece Character Are You

There are lots of fans of One Piece but I notice only in china japan are kids that really know much of it. I'm dutch in Holland. There are almost no kids. I must tell them about it before they know it, so if you know one piece play this quiz.

Are you someone in One Piece but you don't know who? Then you must do this quiz. I was told I was like Luffy but I didn't know it for sure, so I made this quiz for other people so they can know who they are ^.^

Created by: raychel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which weapon would you use?
  2. Which devil fruit would you wanted to have???
  3. Do you like one piece?
  4. What do you give this quiz?
  5. Which couple is the best??
  6. Who is the maker of this Quiz??
  7. Yes or no??
  8. Are u sure??
  9. You liked this quiz??
  10. I still need one question you know one??

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Quiz topic: Which One Piece Character am I