who is your twilight guy and hoe do you meet him?

do you love the twilight hotties?do you want to know who you get and how you meet?emmet is a huge teddy bear who will love to tease and embaress you.jasper will never let you out of his sight but will love you like he loves alice.edward is not like your average teenager but he will love you like no other and will think you are the cutest thing when you are mad or ferorius and comfort you when you are upset.you will be luck to have jacob as your soulmate he is loving teasing and very funny you will love his pack members.carlisle is a doctor in the town of forks and he is a very caring for a shy and nervouse lady.good luck!

if you have been waiting for you answer well you don't have to wait a moment longer click the button and find out!!!!!!!!hold on a second we have some technical dificalties.............okay just click the button and let's see who your prince charming is.

Created by: kitten
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like to laugh?
  2. are very seriouse?
  3. what type of music do you like
  4. heat or the cold?(vampire or werewolf?)
  5. do you like to help people?
  6. do you like to fight?
  7. do you only care about your beauty?
  8. were would you want to live?
  9. do you like to move around a lot?(travel)
  10. do you like art?

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Quiz topic: Who is my twilight guy and hoe do I meet him?