Which Zezenia character are you?

This is a quiz made by a famous Zezenia player, to see what character you're most alike. So we hope you enjoy it and show it to your friends! Good luck.

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Created by: Sodlig
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to play the game or make it?
  2. How is your pvp?
  3. Who do you like the most?
  4. What gender do you like?
  5. Are you a cheater? (Macro, bots)
  6. How much do you know about computers in general?
  7. Do you have any kids?
  8. How much do loyality matter to you?
  9. Can you kill a team of 10 people alone?
  10. What would be the best idea to kill a lot of people?
  11. Do you care what people think of you?
  12. If you were chased by a lot of people, what would you do?
  13. What's the best phrase?
  14. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Zezenia character am I?