Which Warrior Clan are you?

The Warrior Cats is a great series filled with romance, loyalties, battles, training, friends, kittens, and all that wonderful stuff that a good book has.

If you've read that series, you probably ask yourself "What Clan would I be?" Now, you can! Welcome to the wonderful world of Warrior Cats and their Clans!

Created by: Skittiez
  1. What do you do outside?
  2. Would you rather be outside or inside?
  3. What animals do you like the best?
  4. Do you think yourself as a werewolf?
  5. Do you kill to win a fight?
  6. Are your cats indoor cats or outdoor cats?
  7. Who was your favorite leader?
  8. Do you like parties?
  9. Which color cat do you like?
  10. Did you like this test?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Clan am I?