Which Warrior Cat Are You

Find out what warrior cat you are questions about hunting battle chores and more please take it this is my first quiz xD more might be comeing so come back soon to check

What kind of warrior are you Are you Tigerstar (evil) or like Bluestar (fair minded and kind) what will it be? come back soon to see if i ave more quizes

Created by: Darkheart
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in battle against an enemy clan; you hear a yowl for help and you see one of your friends struggling with an enemy warrior you...
  2. You are in your den; you wake up to a leaking roof you...
  3. you see a friend cleaning the elders den you...
  4. you are in battle training your faverite move is...
  5. you are hunting your technique is...
  6. you are going to the moonstone/moonpool you are...
  7. you face a battlefield in a line of warriors you feel...
  8. you are ordered to clean out the elders den you...
  9. you are supposed to go hunt you...
  10. you are playing(as a apprentice) and you hear something in the bushes its a fox you...

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat am I