which teen titans go charcater are you

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sometimes you do not know which teen titan go character you are. You wonder which one im i!!! But, know you will know the hard truth of which one you are!

have you ever thought of which one you are. Well, here you go! this test will see which teen titan go character you are! take it know before it is gone!!!

Created by: elizabeth luz comas
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color out of these?
  2. what do you like to do
  3. what is your favorite animal
  4. do you have fun
  5. what is your hairstyle
  6. which character do you think you are
  7. which one out of these do you consider yourself
  8. thanks for taking my quiz bye!
  9. would you wanna be friens with me? ( thisis a extra question will not affect your score )
  10. do you like candy (this is a extra question which will not affect your score)

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Quiz topic: Which teen titans go charcater am I