Which star wars character are you?

Who are you? If you became a star wars character who would you be? Take the quiz to find out! Sorry i have to write a lot of stuff so i need to write in English.

Who are you? If you became a star wars character who would you be? Take the quiz to find out! Sorry I have to write a lot of stuff so i need to write German

Created by: Dan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you friendly?
  2. What is the best?
  3. Which is your fav ster wars thing?
  4. What is the coolest colour light saber?
  5. What is the coolest force power?
  6. What is the best phrase? (Massive points for the character u choose!)
  7. What do you think of fox's buiscits?
  8. Have you ever played Star wars Battlefront? If you haven't what the hell are you doing on this quiz!
  9. Have u enjoyed this quiz?
  10. Do you want to see the results?

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Quiz topic: Which star wars character am I?