Which of my little brothers are you?

I have a large family. a family of 6! You're about to find out which of the four kids you are!!! Are you Nathan, Spencer, Zachary, or Tyler? Find out with this quiz!

Try to be like Nathan! He's the very bestest!!! He is so cool! You should really try to be like me! (METALLICA) ghiudrfshgijfdsfju sdYiuewtr3uedktgirehtgredtyghruwaytfrueasyht8iferout7843e

Created by: Nathan Inc.
  1. An old lady falls in the middle of a street. You...
  2. your best friend has been tured into a flesh eatin zombie! what do you do???
  3. parrot?
  4. An old man looks at you mournfully, and then gets a heart attack. You...
  5. your brand new computer that was so awesome just blew up for no reason. What is your reaction?
  6. all you get from ur relatives for Christmas is clothes! Wat do u do?
  7. Which do you like to say the most?
  8. choose!!!
  9. Which of these is your favorite?
  10. Dang it! Im running out of ideas for questions! OH! i got it, what's ur favorite color!!??

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Quiz topic: Which of my little brothers am I?