Which Monster Are You?

If there is vampires or other things. There would be people wondering which one they would be. Would they be vampires, zombies, mummies, or just some creep who likes root bear.

Do you wonder which one monster you would be? Would you be a vampires, zombies, mummies, or just some creep who likes root bear. Find out in this quiz!

Created by: bobbydail
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are walking when you hear a sound. What do you do?
  2. At a scary movie. You see the part when the vampire rips out the girls guts. What do you do?
  3. PIZZA PARTY! What do you put on your pizza after the sauce!
  4. You are attacking someone. what do you run at them with?
  5. Someone says your pale... What do you say?
  6. Some kids find out that you are a monster you.....
  7. It's clear the towns on fire the police say you did it. You.....?
  8. You are with the last person on earth ( besides you) What do you do?
  9. Almost done the next one is the last one.
  10. What is your favorite sonic charecture?

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Quiz topic: Which Monster am I?