Which "Kat House" Character Are You?

Anna Marion Howell, a fifteen-year-old in South Carolina, is currently working on her debut novel. Its working title is "Kat Fight". The three main characters- the narrator Olivine, her lifelong best friend Jessamine, and their new roommate Kat- all have distinct personalities. Each is both a protagonist and an antagonist in her own right. As conflict, both internal and external, heightens between the three, "the good, the bad, and the ugly" of each character's personality becomes acutely apparent.

Are you sweet like Olivine? Quirky like Kat? Mysterious like Jessamine? Find out. Use your good (and bad) qualities, your strengths and weaknesses, and your opinions to find out which character you best identify with.

Created by: Anna Marion
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which best describes your eyes?
  2. Do people often tell you that you're attractive?
  3. Where were you born?
  4. You can't live without your...
  5. Aargh! You're so stressed! You'll probably..
  6. Do you go by a nickname or a shortened form of your name?
  7. How do you feel about collard greens?
  8. You could be described as...
  9. Which is true of your family?
  10. Not counting yourself, you have...

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Quiz topic: Which "Kat House" Character am I?